How Vape Pens Continue Their Dominance


Vape pens, among other types of electronic cigarettes available in the market today have been met with a positive response in society. More people now prefer the use of these pens, and this has resulted in the starting of company websites like which sell a variety of such pens. These vape pens have proven to be very beneficial to smokers who wish to quit smoking.

Additionally, they aid in the reduction in the number of active smokers since it has fewer health risks as compared to the traditional cigarette. The market of e-cigarettes continues to grow daily, and this is due to a few key platforms that have been highlighted in this article.

  1. Social media marketing

Social media marketing has been used as a potent tool to facilitate the spread in the awareness of the use of vape pens. With the constant flow of new video and picture posts appearing on our feeds, it is with no reasonable doubt that vape pens have become the latest in thing to try. And because 90 % of our youth today are dedicated members of the several social media platforms, this message seems to be very well received and eventually applied.

  1. Awareness campaigns

There has been an increase in the number of awareness campaigns being held to spread the news on the benefits of using such devices as compared to the use of cigarettes. Organizations involved take significant steps in organizing conferences, educative seminars, and even conduct workshops where they welcome the public to participate. These campaigns have worked a great deal in reaching out to people who may not necessarily be privileged to access the internet.

  1. Scientific Studies and Researches

Another way that the use of vape has continued to gain popularity is that it has become a focal point of several scientific and medical research. These studies are carried out within a stipulated duration of time, taking in volunteers to carry out their experiments. Such experiments are meant to show the masses the effect of the use of both tobacco cigarettes alongside the use of the vape pen and other e-cigarettes.

 And undisputedly, the use of vape pens emerged to be the better option. These studies have aided scientists and medical practitioners with tangible evidence that now it is easier to convince a smoker to make the switch.

  1. The vape pens and other e-cigs are readily available

 Ever since their debut in 2003, the market of these devices has grown and so has their availability. It is now easier to access one at your nearest electronic shop or even supermarket.  Not forgetting the websites that offer quite a vast variety as well as offer free delivery services.

Even though their prices may be on the higher end, the eventual gain is of great benefit. Once you purchase a vape pen, all you will spend on is getting a refill of the flavors, not forgetting now you have a vast selection to choose from.

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