Spring Clean Your Garden the Right Way
A lot of people look forward to the spring cleaning so that they can finally bring some light and fresh air to their home. However, this is not where your efforts should end, seeing as how spring gives birth to a new life in your garden, as well. In order to prepare your property for this resurrection of nature, what you need to do is conduct some spring cleaning in your garden, as well. Here are several steps that should help you do this with the greatest efficiency and the greatest effect.
Cleaning out the debris
During the winter, your trees and shrubbery are particularly brittle, which is why some of the branches might break and fall to the ground. The problem with this is the fact that once the snow falls, it will be fairly difficult to notice this debris, which makes some people wait until the spring to start cleaning it up. Not being diligent when it comes to raking your leaves will also be a chore that you’ll have to wait for the spring to complete and much more. Keep in mind that this debris and leaves also form clutter that can serve as a hideout for pests, which, needs to become one of your top clean-up priorities.
Garden structures
The next area of interest for you to focus on is all the garden structures such as sheds, gazebos and pergolas. When it comes to sheds, these are enclosed structures that are, if made properly, capable of withstanding all sorts of weather occurrences and low temperatures. As for pergolas, there are several things you need to consider. First of all, you need to check whether there’s any structural damage in place. This reason alone is why retractable roof pergolas, like ones installed by Malibu Shade Sails, are such a good idea. Second, you need to return all of your furniture, provided that you’ve moved it to more secure storage.
Tending to your trees
If you have a couple of trees or even a small orchard on your property, there are several things you need to do in order to prepare them for the spring. Here, on the other hand, there are several mistakes that you have to learn to avoid at all costs. First, young trees shouldn’t be fertilized, seeing as how a healthy soil has all the nutrients that they need. Second, you need to wait until early spring to start with pruning. Some make a mistake of pruning in the late summer, which may lead to some serious winter injuries. Also, if you plan to start composting, spring is the time for you to do so.
Prepare your vegetable garden
Preparing your vegetable garden for the spring is also not as easy as it may seem. If you intend to rely on pots, you need to wash them properly, in order to make sure that the soil in them isn’t contaminated by any kind of a disease. This is also the time for you to prepare for sowing activity, so get all the necessary gear ready (including oiling and sharpening it, if necessary) and make your plans. Mulching is also advised in this period, yet, this is a mandatory move that can be skipped by those who are a tad busier. Those who intend to invest more time and effort could one-up their game by building raised beds. This will keep your garden orderly by giving you a chance for easier mobility across the place.
Start painting
In the end, there is probably no easier way for you to give your home’s exterior some facelift than to start painting all the wooden elements. You should start with your fence and proceed to shed and gazebo (provided that you have one). Keep in mind that while this may seem like a lot of work it is not something that you need to do every year. Still, washing or scrubbing your fence in the spring is definitely a good idea. Just make sure that you’re using mild solutions like bleach and white vinegar in order not to damage the material beneath.
In conclusion
As for the time it will take to execute all of this, you can either separate your chores over the course of the week or do it all in a single weekend. Just remember that the beauty of your garden affects more than the resale value of your property. It also affects its value for you and your ability to enjoy it properly.